There are a number of basic building blocks that you should learn before reaching the Recruit Training Center. Becoming familiar with these basics will make the transition much smoother when you arrive for training.
The following positions are taken only while at a halt. A single person or an entire formation may execute them.
Attention is the most basic of all military positions. When you stand at Attention you are indicating that you are alert and ready to receive instructions. When called to Attention you will bring the heel of your left foot to the heel of your right foot. At Attention, you stand straight with your heels together. Your feet will form a 45 - degree angle and your head and body erect, hips and shoulders level, and your chest will be lifted. Your arms will hang naturally with your thumbs aligned with the seam of your trousers or skirt. Your fingers will be joined and allowed to curl naturally. Your legs, at Attention, will be straight, but do not lock your knees (you will faint!!!) Your head and eyes should be directed forward. Your mouth should be closed and your chin should be tucked in slightly.
The command, Parade Rest, is only given when the formation is at attention. In a single movement, bring your left foot out to shoulder width and join your hands, right over left palms facing away from your body, at the small portion of you back.
When given the command, AT EASE, you may relax and move about. While at ease your right foot must remain in place. While in this position you are not allowed to talk.
When given the command, REST, you should follow the same instructions as with AT EASE, but with this command you allowed to talk.
This command is not the same as Dismissed. Fall Out means you are free to break ranks, but you must remain nearby. When given the command FALL IN, return to your place in ranks ans come to Attention.
The military in general, and the Navy specifically, rely on many traditions. Passed on from one generation of Sailors to the next, these customs, courtesies, and ceremonies help foster discipline and good military order.
The salute is one of the required acts of Military Courtesy. Regulations covering the salute are deeply embedded in military tradition and custom. The salute shows respect and is a sign of comradeship.
There are several types of salute:
* basic hand salute
*gun salute
* rifle salute
The hand salute is a simple, dignified gesture, which is rendered to the:
*National Anthem
* The Ensign
* Officers
*** Unless you are walking the hand salute should be rendered while standing at attention. ***
1. Raise the right hand, bending your arm at the elbow until the tip of you forefingers touches the lower part of your cover or forehead just above and to the right of your right eye.
2. Fingers are extended and aligned with the thumb.
3. With the elbow slightly in front of your body, your upper arm should be parallel with the deck or ground.
4. The hand and wrist must be held in a straight line and the forearm should be at a 45-degree angle.
5. Returning the arm to its normal position at your side completes the salute.
*** All of these should be done in order and in a sharp, clean motion.***
There are three facing movements:
1. Left Face
2. Right Face
3. About Face
While executing a facing movement your arms should remain in the attention position.
Left Face is a two-count movement begun on the commands "LEFT FACE."
When you hear the command " Face" a) raise your right heel and left toe slightly and turn a 90-degree to the left. Keep your left leg straight; b) bring your right heel smartly alongside your left heel and stand at attention.
Right Face is a two-count movement begun on the commands "RIGHT FACE."
When you hear the command " Face" a) raise your left heel and right toe slightly and turn a 90-degree to the right Keep your right leg straight; b) bring your left heel smartly alongside your right heel and stand at attention.
About Face is also a two-count movement performed on the commands "ABOUT FACE." When you hear the command "ABOUT", shift your weight onto your left leg. Do this without obvious movement. When you hear the command, "FACE"
a. Place your right toe about 6 inches behind and just to the left of you left heel;
b. While on the ball of your right foot and the heel of your left foot, turn smoothly to the right until you are facing rear. Your feet will be in the ATTENTION position when you are done if you have placed your feet in the correct position during the movement.
The squad leader has the choice of two commands when he or she wants the squad to align themselves with each other.
1. Dress Right, Dress
2. At A Close Interval, Dress Right, Dress
DRESS RIGHT, DRESS - is performed at normal interval, that aligns members at arm's length
AT CLOSE INTERVAL, DRESS RIGHT, DRESS - cuts the distance between squad member in half
1. Aligning by arm's length and looking towards the right.
*** The last person on the right keeps his/her head straight; and everybody else aligns to that last person***
Your feet should stay at the standard 45 degree angle. and your opposite hand should be at your side.
2. Each member has their hand on their hip and aligns themselves accordingly to the last person.
Some ceremonies and inspections will require you to remove your cover. The command, "Uncover Two", is used to direct this action. When you hear the command "UNCOVER" raise your hand as you would during the hand salute, but grab the brim of your cover instead of touching your forehead. When you hear the command, "TWO", lift your hat a bit to avoid messing up your hair and then return your hand to your side in a direct manner. DO NOT USE A SWEEPING GESTURE THAT IS EXAGGERATED.
On the command, "COVER", grasp your hat with both hand and place it firmly on your head. Drop your left hand, leaving your right hand holding the brim of the cover until you hear the command, "TWO". Now you can drop your hand down to your side.
What should you do when saluting?
- Salute properly and smartly. Avoid saluting in a casual or perfunctory manner. A sharp salute is a mark of a sharp sailor.
- ALWAYS use your RIGHT hand. Use your left hand ONLY if your right hand is injured.
- Carry items in your LEFT HAND. You should ALWAYS have your right hand free to salute.
- Accompany your salute with a cheerful greeting. ex. "Good Morning, Sir"
- Always salute from the position of attention. If you are walking, you don't have to stop, but hold yourself erect and square. If double timing, slow to a walk when saluting.
- Look directly into the officer's eyes as you salute.
- Salute all Officers who are close enough to be recognized as officers.
- It is unnecessary to identify an officer by name. However, make sure that he/she is wearing the uniform of an oficer.
- Render a verbal greeting if you are carrying objects in both hands and cannot render the hand salute.
- Salute officers even if they are uncovered or their hands are occupied. Your salute will be acknowledge by a verbal greeting, like "Good Morning," or "Good afternoon."